Kimberley Campbell


Hello From 2023

Hello, from 2023

I have some plans for this website as we head into the new year. 1) I'd like to put some DIY stuff in here because we do a lot of DIY stuff at home that add character, and I'd like to share it here. 2) I'd also like to add in our favourites, some items we just can't live without as we go through all the renovations and home changes.

This year is bringing a lot already. We ended 2022 with a bang, we went to Hawaii to visit friends in November and managed to get our scuba licenses while there. Met new people, ate amazing seared ahi tuna salads and swam with sea turtles. Saw old friends, enjoyed the sunshine and the beach, warm weather and the water. It was dreamy! Once we returned to Seattle we had family come visit for the holiday season and we hosted Christmas for the first time. Along with all the renovations being done on the house this year, we saw our house transform into our home. The number of things we learned through this process is amazing, we have come so far from where we were.

2022 saw us prioritizing our home and health above all else. My theme for 2022 was literally 'sleep' aka 'rest' or any other word that meant 'take a break'. And I didn't realize that would manifest itself into me quitting and actually sleeping more. But I prioritized my mental health and took the time off that I needed, and it worked out great for me. I came back to work energized and happier on my new team, looking forward to my work each day instead of dreading it. I also finished therapy last year, something I didn't want to let go of but my therapist suggested I didn't need her as much any more - and to always contact her if I do need her again. We talked through a lot of different things, from child hood trauma to other life struggles.

But this year, ah I feel like it's going to be the biggest year yet. The first few months of 2023 we are putting our travel pants on and getting out into the world. We're seeing the UK in February, NYC in March, and Australia/Japan in April. When we're not traveling or renovating, you'll find us snow boarding up in the mountains! When we're not boarding, we'll be finishing up renovations on the house. We have some drywall, electrical, and some basement work to be done but that's it! The garden will be more than triple the size it was last year, we started with 4 garden boxes and this year we'll have 14. Lots of space for flowers, more pumpkins, tomatoes, garlic, onions, basil, and everything else! We're going to put some lights up in the garden for the spring/summer time too! As well as ensure, all our garden boxes have lights installed on them for night time viewing :)

This year my focus and theme is 'peace'. I would like to have a peaceful year filled with things that bring me happiness and joy. Good friends, great food, healthy habits, time outdoors, and rest. It's going to be a wonderfully big year, we have many surprises to bring to this little space of the internet and I can't wait to share them all with you <3 Thank you for being here.


The Macbell Clan