
Grocery Update - Week 4

We are well into week 4 and we are well into savings! We spent a little bit this week on groceries mainly, and some additional things like a spray bottle we’re going to use to sprout some sunflower seedlings. Overall I haven’t felt the pain of not spending, but more so on the hunger and craving for everything outside of our macro counting. Like pizza, donuts that work brings in for FREE, free food is so hard to say no to because I didn’t pay for it. Or even the little Kit-Kats that came in straight from Japan, green tea and peach flavours too. I had one…okay two ;) The rest of the week has been going well, we’re also starting crossfit and it’s been great to sweat out the stress three times a week. I’ve also been completely off caffeine and the decaf coffee has actually been much better than caffeinated because last week I tried to have caffeine again and I couldn’t sleep that night. It’s been a great few weeks, I’ve struggled but that’s something I expect because that’s just so normal. So here is our grocery list of the week:

0 Cal drinks = $6.05

Pasta = $4.00

Taco Sauce = $2.69

Cheese = $5.99

Ground Beef = $35.13 (we got 7lbs of it)

Kimchi = $5.49

Spray bottle = $1.50

Sunflower seeds = $17.99 (for sprouting)

Coco liner (for planting sunflower seeds)= $48.99

Harley Shampoo = $7.49

SQL book = $9.99

Nutella/Ice cream/cake (cheat meal Joe + Me) = $21.46

Water/Sugar Free Gatorade = $5.93

Sour patch kids (watermelon) = $1.98 (dextrose substitute)

Total $176.61

This is week 4, so the total from the past month that we have spent on groceries is: (DRUM ROLLLLLLLLLL) $396.73 + $176.61 = $573.34. Yay!! One month of savings and getting back to macro counting/gym time/no caffeine. We have made a large change in the past month and I’m really proud of us. We have definitely failed a little bit here and there but that’s okay, we have worked really hard to get to this point. We are over half way there guys. That’s awesome and motivation to keep going!!


The Macbell Clan