
Grocery Update - Week 7

Okay internet family…week 7 was a b-word to our finances. For good reason, if I had to decide again on going this path I would have made all the same decisions BUT it did hit our finances hard and let me tell you about it. Last week around the beginning of the week I found out my family had an emergency, my relatives in Victoria B.C were going through some things. We decided to take a trip up to Victoria for support and really did so in a spur of the moment but it was absolutely worth it. We were there to support the family and I’m thankful we have the means to be able to do that when we can. Here is what we spent on:

Grocery trip: $89.14 (we spent extra on ice cream supplies like chocolate, heavy cream, milk etc.)

Hair: $130.54

New underwear: $28.16

Lunch out: $17.40

Car rental and gas: $40.88 +$14.02 = $54.90

Hotel in Victoria: $229.31

Snacks for the trip (protein bars): $8.36

Coffee: $4.40

Grocery trip: $71.47

Parking at hospital: $5.50

Clipper to Victoria: $388.00

Tin foil: $2.52

More Ice cream supplies: $25.49

Lunch with the family: $80.98

Oatmeal on the trip: $4.40

Total for the week: $1140.57

Including week 6 finances of $1028.17 and this weeks total of $1123.17 we have spent a total of $2151.34. This was a huge hit to our financial goals and within week 7 alone we actually spent more money than we did from week 1 - 6. But as much as it pains me to want to reach a goal SOOO badly and sacrifice everything to do so, this was a family incident that we needed to be there for. Let’s see what week 8 has for us! We are still on our way to the $25k financial savings goal we set for ourselves in August and we will see if we can make it! We are still on track, just a few more weeks to go.


The Macbell Clan