Kimberley Campbell


What is Minimalism?

General terms like ‘minimalism’ tend to give off this harsh impression. You know what I mean? When I think of minimalism I think of the extremists. When I type in ‘minimalism’ into Youtube I see videos about a person who doesn’t own any furniture and sleeps on the ground. When I tell people I like to keep my life style minimal they usually ask me about my life with that in mind. “How’s the minimalist thing going?” and its a lovely question but its just my life it doesn’t really need to have the label like that right? These things I’ve been thinking about make me really wonder what is minimalism? and what does it mean to me?

  Minimalism in my world just means no over buying of things. I don’t need lots of things to fill my home up and make me feel comfortable, what I do need is what I have and that mentality is applied to everything in my home. Furniture, clothes, food etc. I try not to buy more than what is needed and I like knowing I use everything I have in my home. That is what minimalism means to me.

  But it also means that I have more than one of many things in my home, such as blankets, socks and Totoros to name a few. I don’t just shop at the thrift stores but I buy new clothes too. We don’t really have a pantry at home, we have the space and we never fill it but I do store extra sugar, coco powder, and popcorn at home just for the fun of it. I have more than one pair of shoes. I have more than one spoon/knife/fork, in fact we have more than two of those. Minimalism is what we’ve made it for ourselves and its simply having what we need and we have many needs. When we’re about to purchase something its asking ourselves if we truly need it and will we really use it? We are removing the emotion we put into the purchasing process. If we can’t say yes to those questions we don’t buy it and we wait. As a result we’ve saved, have a less cramped apartment, and use what we do have more often. What is minimalism to you? Here are a few questions I asked myself through this shift:


What do you need to live your life?

Do you need duplicates of certain items?

Can you wait to buy this?

Will you use this item or will you use it enough to justify its price?

Why do you want to keep/buy this?


These questions have helped me eliminate the amount of things I own and only use what I need for my life style. These help me manage the influence of social media, the media in general, and the way other people live their lives. These questions have also helped me use things up and save…a lot.


The Macbell Clan