
Grocery Update - Week 8

I’m late!! Ahhh! We’ve had a few things going on but I’m just getting to this now and it’s a Wednesday…trying to stay on top of everything is a challenge all the time. But we’re not into week 8, we’ve come so far and saved so much! A little update, we had savings and moved a lot of it into our mortgage, woot! We managed to eliminate 4 years worth of our re-payment plan off our 30 year mortgage. I guess now we’re at a 26 year mortgage :) Something that also stuns me is checking out much you’d actually pay of you paid minimum payments on a 30 year mortgage, you pay more than double the amount you actually bought your property for. Which is just insane to me. Anyways…going off topic a bit. Here are the things we spent on this week, we treated our selves a little and you can probably see our grocery bill was higher this week and that’s because we had friends over that we wanted to cook for, so we did. Joe made his wonderful spaghetti with his home made meat sauce, its my absolute favourite thing ever. We also went out to lunch with friends, and we bought supplements for ourselves from the store, annnndddd we bought gifts. So…that wraps up week 8.

Lunch with friends: $17.40

Groceries: $38.45 + $23.35 + $11.38 = $73.18

Gifts: $21.99 + $29.99 + $50 + $10.99 = $112.97

Supplements: $100.32

Total: $303.897

From last week, we had spent a total of $2151.34 by week 7, adding this into the mix we have spent $2455.21 by the end of week 8. I think we’re still doing a great job, seeing as this is two months now and we’ve spent that much including major family life events, having dinners with friends, and keeping a social life for a bit. We’re saving a lot stuff as well, and potentially putting that money back into our mortgage of savings accounts. We shall see!


The Macbell Clan