
Grocery Update - Week 9 + 10

I’ve been so far behind on the grocery updates that I decided to combine both weeks 9 and 10 together into one blog post. It’ll save time on writing, and definitely some time on reading so the following grocery update is broken into two separate weeks.

A little explanation for Week 9, you’ll see the grocery bill increase by a lot including an “extra” category. There are things I just can’t find another place to put them in, its almost equal to miscellaneous because they’re things like getting my license renewed, and Joe meeting a coworker for a drink etc. Do they fit in grocery? Not really. Do they fit anywhere else? Not really. And do I want to make a category for all the random things? Yes, yes I do and it’s called Extra.

Grocery Week 9:

Groceries: $15.45 + $119.19 + $9.19 + $48.78 + $18.97 + $27.63 + $18.56 + $11.91 = $269.68

Gas: $7.02

Gardening: $40.84

Extra: $3 + $6.50 + $56.25 + $8.26 = $74.01

Total: $391.55

Grocery Week 10:

Halloween: $8.79

Grocery: $21.52 + $12.96 + $8.99 = $43.47

Clothing: $218.00 + $24.72 = $242.72

Gardening: $16.00

Total: $310.98

Super duper interesting here is that in week 9 we spent the most money on groceries and you can see the break down of our grocery trips. While in week 10 you can see we spent the most on clothing and it was literally not that many trips at all haha But I will add in I had a miserable day at work (and no it was not shopping therapy) but it did involve having to swap out my pants for new ones. Therefore, I went to Nike and bought sweats because they are comfy and I found out later as I’m looking through our receipts that I bought a pair of $90 Nike pants….why are they $90? I have no idea. Do they feel that fancy? Not particularly, and I might actually return them because $90 is a lot for a pair of pants that feel kind of meh. They aren’t very soft…..anyway. While in the Nike store Joe also bought himself some new shoes he’s been needing to replace, so our bill increased :) Do I regret any of our spending? Honestly no because we do it sparingly for the most part and if we splurge some times I am really happy that we do because that means we’re spending more on the things we absolutely want to spend on.

Combining all our weeks together, we have spent a total of $3157.74 in 10 weeks of time on groceries and some additional items. Are we doing good? I’d like to say yes we are. Can we do better? Always!! And right now we are one week away from our vacation time, looking forward to getting back to spending a little more ‘normally’ once we’re back from vacation but also excited to see what’s next to come. What challenges we’re going to take on and what we’re going to be doing with savings/spending and our financial goals.

What have we accomplished while we’ve been on this savings challenge? We cut down our mortgage from a 30 year loan to a 26 year loan by overpaying on the principle. We saved lots of money, were able to help out a friend, were able to treat ourselves to a few things along the way, and were able to spend time with people and still be somewhat social. We kept up with the gym and kept up with our hobbies such as planting little seedlings and watching some new movies. I learned a lot about what I spend and surprisingly learned a lot about the things I do buy during this time of no spending. I’ll keep you posted on the next challenge we decide to take on AND especially on our trip we’re going on in just one week :) Thank you so much for riding along with us on this neat-o money saving journey, it’s been a lot of fun and I think we’ll be doing it again in the future!!


The Macbell Clan