Kimberley Campbell


How to change your life in 6 months

Changing your life

I've been on Pinterest lately and the new trend for my account is feeding me these lists of things to change your life in 6 months to 1 year. I love the concept, I think change is a great thing especially when it benefits you, I've found some of their tips work but I wanted to give a try at my own list of tips, these are things that have worked for me, things I have personally experienced that have benefitted my life.

Drink Water I bet you hear this one often, I do. This was on the list and I can personally say its helped both with my skin texture and my digestion. Drinking more water each day has shown me an increase in my skin bounciness (is that a thing?) and has helped my digestive system be more regular.

Sleep 8-9 hrs a night This one has been a funny topic because on the one hand you see all these things saying "Obama slept 5 hours a night as President" and you think 'Wow that's what I need to do to be productive'. Then all of a sudden anything more than 5 hrs a night seems lazy right? At least that was my take on it. 8-9 hrs of sleep a night is not lazy, its what your body needs. There's a reason we sleep, to recover and recharge from the energy expended throughout the day, the more sleep you get the better you'll feel (to a point, there's a limit). Sleeping has helped me far more than I thought it would, naps throughout the day have helped me process issues that I've gone through in my past and sleeping a good nights sleep helps me prepare for the upcoming day. Of course right now we have a puppy so puppy training hasn't helped with this one but 8-9 hr nights is perfect, I'm more on the 9hr side. There are also a number of benefits to sleep that Joe talked about in a past post, linked here.

Spend time outdoors Spending more time outside has been really helpful to my overall wellbeing because it brings me into the fresh air and the sunshine (when its sunny in Seattle). It also means I'm not staying inactive inside, when I go outside I'm usually walking or doing yard work which gets my body active.

View working out/staying active as a positive I think many people can agree that relationships with working out aren't always positive. You want to work off that donut you had in the morning, or workout to eat that dinner and have drinks in the evening etc. Or you want to work out to avoid being unhealthy, instead of viewing working out as an opportunity to see what your body can do, how strong you can get. Changing this perspective has helped me have a better relationship with my workouts and my body overall. Instead of working out to avoid being unhealthy the goal is to workout to gain strength and see what my body can do.

Eat healthy Eating a balanced meal with fresh options has been a big game changer for me. I used to always feel uncomfortable but with the increase in water and better portions and foods, it has helped me feel better about myself and my body. I feel better in my body as well. It's been a huge change from always feeling bloated, uncomfortable, or sluggish.

Go offline I've found when I'm online I always find ways to compare myself to others or my spending increases. Going offline removes those tiny thoughts and actions in my mind and creates a more peaceful place to be both in my day to day life and in my thoughts. Setting timers on apps or just setting limits on your phone use each day helps (I need to get better at actually sticking to this one more often).


The Macbell Clan