Kimberley Campbell


Life Updates

Some life updates

What have we been up to since we were last on here? Well the biggest life changes are that we are in renovations on our house and I have quit my job! Big things are happening but we love the changes, and although quitting was a very hard decision to make, taking time off has only proven to me that it was the right choice.

Renovations: We are renovating a lot, the house we have is a 1970's remodeled house from the 30's! We bought it knowing we had to put in some work and the work has begun. June starts the painting on the house exterior, and also our new floors come in. We've already taken up the carpet in one room but we still have the second and third bedrooms to pull up, the living room and the hallway! We also have an engineer coming in next week (may 16th) to get some work done and tell us how to remove this wall that will open up the kitchen and living room. Lots of work to do! Meanwhile there are little projects here and there, we've redone our entrance way wall to include a board and batten feature, we're updating lighting fixtures in the dining and main bedroom and we're doing a ton of work on the garden, putting in new garden boxes and planting a whole lot of vegetables.

Quitting: What a taboo topic. I feel there are so many opinions about this one, quit and the gap in my resume will be a career killer. Quit and take a few months off to recover and then hop back into work, it'll be refreshing. I'm of the thought that it'll be refreshing, at least it has been so far. The biggest difference I've seen so far is the amount of sleep I'm getting, although I got the average before, now I'm able to take naps all the time and I think my body has appreciated it. Overall, quitting was a hard decision but one I am very happy with.

But are there other life updates? Nope, that's about all we've got going on over here. We're still happy and healthy, working out and eating right. Our house is slowly turning into a home and we love that so much, its taking time but good things take time. I'll hopefully be back to update this website a little more soon!


The Macbell Clan