Kimberley Campbell


Hello From 2022

Hello from 2022

Hey again. Here we are, 2022. We are one week into the new year and moving towards our goals. A lot changed in 2021, we bought a new house and are living in it now. Our condo is still ours, we are renting it out. We invested more in the stock market last year, we also bought a car that was "used" but basically new. We worked from Hawaii for a month and Canada for another. We celebrated another year at our companies, I got a promotion, Joe switched work teams. We did a whole lot, all the while still keeping on track with eating right and staying healthy. I'm sure I've missed things in there but the point is, we did a lot. 2022 will be different. I can say I'm tired, I've been tired for a while, this year my focus is more on sleeping right and getting good rest. With that comes a ton of new goals such as, no caffeine, no alcohol, no bad foods, and sleep at least 7-8 hours a night. No screened devices in the bedroom, no screens two hours before going to bed, have a bath whenever you can because it helps. It helps being active too, so trying to stay active at least a few times a week. Continue going to therapy to talk through my stress etc. There's a lot to good sleeping habits! But the hope is setting up those habits and absorbing the benefits and feeling so much better!

We also plan to keep up with our financial goals this year, last year we invested in the stock market and this year we hope to do the same thing while also renovating our house. Our renovation goals are big too, we'd like to re-do almost the entire house. Most of it (hopefully) can be done by us, but major changes like breaking down walls and restructuring the house, those things will have to be done by the professionals. And we're focused on making this new place ours, we have three bedrooms now where the condo had one. We are at about +1800 sqft now while our little condo was ~700 sqft. We have a lot of space to make ours! We're so grateful for this life. We're so so grateful for all the opportunities and hard work we put in to get here. 2022 is all about resting, at least for me it is, because we've simply done so much. Resting is part of the cycle, but we are still chasing dreams even if we're resting too.

At the end of 2022 I hope I can look back and say wow, we did it again. This year surprised me in such a good way. This year brought about new things I had never even thought of, it re-directed paths down the right ones for us, it gave us so much more than we asked for and we're thankful. I hope that is what I can say when I look back on this year, and I'm so excited to start living it.


The Macbell Clan