
Hello From 2021

Hello, from 2021

Long time no see! Or maybe I should be saying that to myself. It's been a long time since I was last on here but we're new and improved on the backend. Our website is now independent, where we once used Square Space to host our domain we are now on our own and running thanks to our wonderful web developer and friend, we are free. With the website change comes a change to our uploading process which took a little bit of time to get used to. But here we are!

So what's new? Well we have been busy investing and saving, our minimalist lifestyle created an opportunity for us to expand our real-estate investments and now we have our little condo and a new house. Heading into 2022 we'd like to make a few changes to health goals - activity and strength, work goals - stress and anxiety related, and overall mental health. We're focused on bettering ourselves in multiple ways, that still means saving a lot and being minimalists as much as possible. But we're renovating this year, and buying gym equipment too, and going outside more often.

2021 was all about finding the joy in life, with and without spending money. We set our boundaries in multiple ways, made new connections, deepened others, and let go of some. We bought a car, bought a house, got promotions at work, and spent a little more money than 2020. We finally went outside again after a long time inside because of COVID, we traveled to Canada again to visit family, we went on holiday for a month in Hawaii, we got really sick at times (non covid) and took time off work when it was needed. A lot happened in 2021, we're looking forward to 2022. We will make updates to our website, you'll see the changes. We're looking forward and upward :)


The Macbell Clan