
Joe's Journal | Financial Independence | January update

Our first month towards our goal: I want to talk about investing, and giving an update on the investing plan. I want to make an explicit effort to keep the goal in the crosshairs - we want financial independence. This is defined by removing the necessity for our work to generate income.

History and context:

Our stock portfolio started back on October 1st 2019. This wasn’t an investment towards passive income in any way, rather it was me trying out a methodology of investing and putting a little money towards it. With that being said, we invested approximately 9.4% of our monthly income in October, and nothing in November. With our 9.4% investment, we invested into Coca-Cola. That investment returned us a dividend in December which allowed us to invest a good portion of our uninvested cash in Robinhood to buy another share in Coca-Cola. As of the end of December, we had ~10.6% of our monthly income invested.

Now, onto the January update!

In total, we saved 73.6% of our monthly income. Writing that out, it seems absolutely extreme! So, that may, or may not be relatable in any way. However, Kim and I have joined our buying power and made some extreme decisions to reduce our monthly spending. Our mortgage takes up 21% of our monthly income, which means the remaining 6% was spent on food and bills. Some of those bills have bled over to February so they’ll eventually be reflected.

Note on our savings rate: That rate of savings isn’t quite sustainable, so we are trying to adjust that to fit our lifestyle and still move us towards our goal of financial independence at a rate we feel is acceptable.

We allocated our savings towards our two main investments:

Real estate - We saved 87.08% towards our real estate plans. We are currently saving for our next purchase, so this money is currently in what I call “Purgatory”. Just in case you are wondering, Purgatory is located in a high-interest savings account in Barclays at about 1.7%.

Stocks - We invested the remaining 12.91% in our stock portfolio. With that money, we invested 100% of it into Coca-Cola. I’m certain there are other strategies for investing, but our main goal is building a dividend portfolio, and we have checkpoint we are trying to hit before we invest in our next company. Our goal is to have 5-10 stocks make up our portfolio. We’ll do some homework on our next company in the meantime!

That’s our update for January. We made some big cost-cutting to invest more towards our goal, but it wasn’t scalable. However, it has shown us what we are capable of doing with attention and intent when we prioritize this goal above almost all other things.

Take a look at the next blog, Kim has written some really good thoughts on waste and a very common human trait — insecurities.

Until next time!


The Macbell Clan